Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time Warp


  1. I feel as if I am in a time warp...I am stuck and I can not move forward...lots of work to do...not enough time...sleep deprivation...what to do...???

  2. The Crocodile:

    The alligator is but a carcass now, alone and withering...the wolves are thick...but they are not dangerous, just curious. The silver bullets will not be necessary at this present time...but the crocodiles...are well and alive, and they are hungry...

  3. http://www.space.com/12973-skywatching-find-tatooine-alien-solar-system-kepler-16.html

  4. Huge Defunct Satellite Falling to Earth Faster Than Expected, NASA Says | Falling NASA Satellite, Up
    1,438 people recommend this.

  5. 2+0+1+2=5...

    It is time for humanity to understand that they are not the only intelligent species in the universe. Intelligent and spiritually and/or technologically advanced beings have not only been on Earth before the rise of humanity, but humanoid civilizations have existed in our own solar system long time ago. They came to an end when the fifth planet in our solar system exploded, causing havoc among the planets and moons. In this article we will take this event as a starting point to show you that it indeed happened, and that today we still can see the signs of it. One wonders where these races went to after the destruction.

  6. more to come, I am just getting warmed up...follow me....I need to rest for a while, have been packing to move to Sherwood, writing my brains out...and have a deadline on one manuscript for publication, but I am not pulling out what is left of my hair yet...this fish is going downstream for a while...need sleep and rest...see you all on the astral realm shortly...
    Love and Peace too all...!!!
